
Monday, 30 November 2015

7 timetables DLO

This is my 7 timetables DLO. I worked with Ofa and Oh Hsen. We did this to remember our 7 timetables so we know it immediately. 

Word Web

This is my word web I did with Oh Hsen and Fraidoon. Our word was Authority. We did this to help our vocabulary. 

Friday, 27 November 2015

10 timetables

Today for maths room 9 did the 10 and 11 timetables. This is the 10 timetables I did with Cyrus. I learnt to say my 10 timetables really fast and I memorized them.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Word Web

This I my word web I did with Oh Hsen. We had to do two syllable rhyming words.  

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Word Web

This is my rhyming word web that I made with Oh Hsen.

Pulley Poster

This is my pulley poster. We had to add what the simple machine was used for, how to make work easier and what the trade off is. 

Plot Planning

This is my plot planning for my narrative. My idea was What if pirates took over the world?

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The Most Exciting Part Of Athletics Day

On Monday the 18th the whole school had athletics day. The most exciting thing was the sprints. I was really nervous about the race because I wasn't good at running short distances. I liked to run races that are really long like cross country. Down at the sprint track we watched the juniors. After the juniors it was the seniors turn to race. I was in the first race. I was racing some other boys like Oh Hsen and Eric. When the race started I ran like a Springbok but I still came second. Oh Hsen came first. Then I had to race in the finals. I thought I didn't have a chance of winning because my classmates (Shannon, AJ and Oh Hsen) who are also in the finals are good at running short distances. I ran as fast as I could but I can fourth. I was disappointed because I didn't come 1st, 2nd or 3rd but I still had lots of fun.   

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Athletics Day Recount

On Tuesday the 17th the school had a Athletics day. The  activities were: Shotput, Hokey, Skipping, Shooting a basketball in the hoop and much more. Since there were 12 activities the school were split into 12 groups. I was in group 9. My favorite activity was playing hokey inside the hall. My second favorite activity was the hurdles. I enjoyed running and jumping over the hurdles. Then we had the sprints. I came second in my first race so I got into the finals, but I came fourth. Even though I lost in the finals for sprints I was really happy.  

Monday, 16 November 2015

2 and 5 timetables

This is my maths work. We had to make a DLO on 2 and 5 timetables.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Friday, 6 November 2015

Language Timetables

Today for maths Ofa, Eric and I made a Language timetable presentation. I did the English timetables, Ofa did the Tongan timetables and Eric and I did the Samoan timetables.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Word Web - Suspicious

This is my word web on the word suspicious. I got ten antonyms for suspicious.