
Saturday, 8 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey

For this activity on the winter learning journey, I had to interview a member of my family about their five favourite things to do outside (It can be on land or water). I chose to interview my little brother Alex.

  1. Play handball
  2. Go swimming
  3. Play on a playground
  4. Run around with friends
  5. Wrestle


  1. Hello Daniel, like Alex, I also like to play handball and run around with my friends. You are doing a great job at blogging. Keep it up.

  2. Hello Daniel, One of 3 of Alex's idea is what I would as well which is play handball, go swimming, and run around with my friends. I like to play handball. You have done a great job Daniel keep up the amazing work!!!

  3. Hi Daniel. Great blogpost. I like how you have explained what you had to do for this activity. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hi Daniel,

    Your brother, Alex, sounds like he is very active! Do you and him ever wrestle together? I know if I was a boy I'd probably wrestle with my brother a lot, but I can't as a girl because he's too big and strong and always beats me anyway!

    Nicky :)

  5. Hi Daniel,
    I like that you picked your brother to interview. Well done, keep up the great work.
